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How to register for a Cookie Academy account and enroll in a class?

Spanish and International students are welcome to the Cookie Academy. They can enjoy cookie decorating classes in Spanish and English which fit their learning necessities.

When you don’t have an account on the Cookie Academy, you need to register. Please follow these steps, then you can enroll in a cookie decorating class:

  • Click on the word Acceder (on the top right corner of the site)


  • You’ll then see a page that contains text boxes for you to fill in your name and email address, and choose a password

  • Please, create a username with your name and surname so they could appear in your digital completion certificate when you complete the class. Your password should be at least 12 characters long. Use uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols as shown below

  • Click on the Registrar button to access to your personal account


  • Now, you are ready to make your first order: click on the Cursos Online button (on the top left corner of the site), select your favorite online class and click on the Tomar este Curso button to pay for the class before you can access any of the class content

  • You can also add the class to your wish list to purchase it later


  • Confirm your order by clicking on the Realizar pedido button. Then, you will be redirected to PayPal to complete your purchase securely

  • Once you’ve paid the class, you’ll receive an order confirmation by email. We will send you an access link to your class as well.

  • Remember you could now access to your class by login in your personal account



How do I log into my account to see my class?

If you already have an account and you are logged in, you’ve joined the site! If you want to access your class you can do it in different ways: 

  1. By going on the Cookie Academy home page ( and click on the image of the class you’ve purchased.

  2. You can also get to your class by clicking on the Cursos Online button (on the top left corner of the site), and click on the image of the class you’ve purchased.

  3. By clicking on the Mi cuenta button (on the top right corner of the site). When you click on the word Cursos (on the left menu bar) you will see your class.

  4. By clicking on the link to the class which was given at the confirmation email that we sent you when you confirmed your order.



If you are not logged in, please click on the Acceder button (on the top right corner of the site) and just follow these steps to access your online class:


  • A window appears in which you can enter the registration info required (Username/Email and Password)

  • Fill in the text boxes and then, click on the Iniciar Sesión button to access your personal profile.

  • You can use the feature Recuérdame (Remember me) that automatically logs you in the site so that you won’t have to enter your username and password again.


Forgot your username or password?

If you need help resetting your password, we can help by sending you a link to reset it. Here is what you must do:


  1. Click on the ¿Olvidaste tu contraseña? link

  2. You will see a message from WordPress.

  3. Enter either the email address or username on the blue text box

  4. Click on the Obtener una contraseña nueva blue button (submit)

  5. Check your inbox for a password reset email

  6. Click on the URL provided in the email and enter a new password 

  7. When you see the message Tu contraseña ha sido restaurada you could access the site again by clicking on the word Acceder


How can I set or update my personal profile/account?

To access your profile page and manage it:

  • Sign in to the Cookie Academy

  • Click on the word Ajustes (on the left menu bar) to customize your profile and save changes done (Salvar cambios)

    • Select General to change your profile name (Nombre), surname (Apellidos), nickname (Apodo), name shown in your certificates (Mostrar nombre) and sharing with all us some words about yourself (text box

    • Select Avatar to change your profile image (upload your favorite selfie by clicking on Cargar)

    • Select Contraseña to change your password: enter your old password (Vieja contraseña), the new one (Nueva contraseña) and confirm the new password (Confirmar contraseña)

    • Select Publicidad if you want to make public your content profile and classes


Is PayPay the only payment method you accept at the Cookie Academy?

Yes. Until now the only payment method valid for cookie decorating classes in English is PayPal. At the Academy, we are working very hard to offer you other payment methods soon. Thanks for your patience!


How can I use PayPal to pay a class?

All the online cookie decorating courses can be quickly and safely paid with your PayPal account.

You could recognize this payment option in the purchase process on the site. After selecting PayPal payment, you will be redirected to PayPal to continue the regular protocol. To know how PayPal works, please click here.


The prices are in euros. How could I see them converted to my local currency?

All purchases within Cookie Academy are processed in EURO, but for some currencies, we provide an estimated conversion. If you want to see class pricing in another country’s currency, please visit


I don’t have a PayPal account. How could I create one? 

Creating a PayPal account is very easy. Visit the PayPal site for further info.


What happens if I don’t see the email with the access link to the class on my inbox?

If you did not receive the email with the details for your access to your class, you may need to check your spam filters and folder.

If the email has not been delivered by the end of a 48 hours period, please try to access your class by signing in your personal account as described above. Please, feel free to shoot us an email through the contact form you will find at the bottom of the page, here


I can’t see or download my completion certificate. What do I do?

Please ensure you have completed all the lessons in your online class. If the problem persists, please send us an email to


Can I download the class content to see it on my personal computer or other electronic devices?

Online classes are not downloadable from a computer or any device. All the content you will find in our courses is protected by copyright. Acceptable use conditions are, among others, as follows:

  • Not to copy, reproduce, create derivative works of, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, license, or otherwise exploit any content contained on the site (including without limitation the online content and classes) for any other purpose other than as permitted by these Terms and Policies without our prior written consent

  • Not to distribute all or any part of the website or online content and classes in any medium without our prior written consent

  • Not to alter or modify any part of the website or the online content and classes

  • Not to use or access the website or online content and classes for any commercial uses or for the benefit of any third party

  • Not to access or attempt to access any other Student’s account or falsely state, impersonate, or otherwise misrepresent your identity

Please, for further info about our Terms and the Policies, click here and here. They are applicable in all the classes, whether in Spanish or English, so don’t hesitate to ask for a version in English if you need it.


I purchased a class but is not what I expected. Could I ask for a refund?

No. Once you have registered and accessed the class content refunds are not available. In case you have made a mistake in your registration, please write to us at, we will be happy to help you and offer you the best alternative.


I have more questions. What’s the best way to get in touch with you?

Please, drop us a line through the contact form you will find at the bottom of the page or send us an email to We’ll get back to you within 1-2 business days.